UDC 330.322, 338.28


A. F. Ageeva,
PhD in Architecture, Leading Engineer, Laboratory of Computer Modeling of Socio-Economic Processes, CEMI RAS, Moscow, Russia


Objective. The article substantiates the relevance of scientific tasks related to the improvement of methods for assessing the social effectiveness of investment projects, as well as theoretical and methodological foundations for making investment decisions in the current Russian economic conditions.
Materials and methods. The results of the analysis of foreign and domestic methodological approaches to assessing the social effectiveness of investment projects are presented. The works of Russian specialists and scientists R. M. Melnikov, T. S. Novikova, V. N. Livshits, E.B. Kibalova, I.A.Nikonova and others, dedicated to the development of modern methods for assessing socially significant investment projects, as well as adequate tools for assessing the indirect, external and intangible effects of investment projects, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian economy, industry and regional specifics.
Result. The necessity of providing open access to information on investment projects implemented with state support is substantiated in order to reduce corruption risks and exercise public control over the efficiency of spending budget funds. A brief history of the evolution of the national regulatory documents for project analysis and recommendations of Russian scientists on the further development of domestic methods of project analysis are presented. The conditions that must be met to improve the quality of domestic regulatory documents for project analysis and the implementation of the principle of implementing the policy of responsible financing are listed. Recommendations are given on creating favorable conditions for attracting private investment in order to implement strategically important socially significant investment projects for Russia.
Conclusion. The results of the analytical work presented in the article are planned to be used to develop a methodology for the selection of socially significant projects for the provision of state support.


socially significant investment projects, social efficiency of investment projects, comprehensive assessment.