UDC 338: 92


V. M. Zotov,
Deputy General Director of VPK Consulting LLC, Moscow, Russia


Objective. Having appeared on the pages of scientific publications a little more than 15 years ago, the systems economic theory quickly found practical application in the study of macro- and mesoeconomic systems. Practicing analysts rarely resorted to the study of micro-, and even more so, nanoscale systems using this theory. One might get the impression that the methodological apparatus of the new economic theory is initially focused on the study of country, regional and sectoral systems, and other methods should be used for the study of economic entities, their structural units and direct participants in economic life.
Materials and methods. Nevertheless, this article attempts to prolong the practical applicability of the tools of the systemic economic theory to the nanoscale, i.e., the level of an individual who takes an active part in economic processes.
Result. For this, an original systemic model of human economic activity is proposed and the possibility of its formalized description with the help of PAEI codes, used to identify various management styles within the framework of the theory of change management by Itzhak Adizes, is substantiated.
Conclusion. It turned out that as a result of the symbiosis of the two latest theories, it becomes possible to organically close the economic activity of any economic entity directly to the labor collective and jointly analyze the balance of their structural organization.


system model, tetrad, individual, economic activity, creative function, PAEI-code, balance.