UDC 338.43
Yu.N. Tsaregorodtsev
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Management, Moscow University for the Humanities. Moscow, Russia
O. E. Bashina
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Statistics, Marketing and Accounting, Moscow University for the Humanities. Moscow, Russia
L. V. Matraeva
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and World Economy of the Russian State Social University. Moscow, Russia
Yu. V. Sunaeva
Lecturer at the Department of Economic Theory and World Economy, Russian State Social University. Moscow, Russia
Objective. Agriculture of the Russian Federation is on the way to its establishment as a modern technological industry with a steady pace of development. Since the beginning of 2018, the second stage of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of the Markets of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food has been carried out, the implementation of which, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, will allow reaching and exceeding the threshold values of indicators of the country's food independence.
Materials and methods. The experience of the Russian agro-industrial complex in the framework of import substitution is analyzed. The positive trends in the development of these industries, stabilization and modernization of production are noted.
Result. Russia's accession to the WTO has consolidated unequal competitive conditions between producers, which has led to an increase in imports and unprofitable agricultural production.
Conclusion. In modern conditions, significant changes are required in the focus and applied measures of state support for the agro-industrial complex to ensure a positive effect in the short term.
production of meat and milk; market of meat and dairy products; milk and dairy products; meat and meat products; dynamics of prices, production and consumption; import substitution.