UDC 338
Olga B. Digilina,
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Business Informatics and Economics, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia
I. I. Savelev,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Vladimir, Russia
Objective. The article reveals the concept and essence of food security, conditions for ensuring food security of the EAEU countries, the main problems and prospects for ensuring food security.
Materials and methods. The authors analyzed approaches to defining food security; the significance of various indicators of food security for the EAEU member states.
Result. The solution to the issues of ensuring the food security of the member states of the Union will depend, first of all, on a set of developed measures to ensure their own food security, based on the identified internal risks and threats, and the effectiveness of their implementation. Food security of the EAEU can be ensured on the basis of the positive dynamics of integration processes based on the coordination of the interests of the participating countries, awareness of the benefits of cooperation not only in the geopolitical sphere, but also in the economic one.
Conclusion. Analysis of the state of food security of the EAEU indicates the presence of serious risks and threats.
EAEU, food security, integration, free trade zones.