UDC 323.2


R. V. Timonin,
Associate Professor of the Vladimir Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Vladimir, Russia
A. V. Sokolova,
Lecturer of the Department of STiIT VYUI FSIN of Russia, adjunct of the correspondence course of the Academy of FSIN of Russia Vladimir, Russia


The purpose of the work is to analyze topical issues in the development of the theory of economic security.
Materials and methods: formation of a categorical research apparatus, analysis of the implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, including economic security.
Results. Proposals have been formulated to improve the efficiency of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation. In particular, the general indicator of the economic level of development of the state is directly related to the economic growth of all subjects. It is at the regional level that one should achieve stable regional economic growth, reduce poverty, level social differentiation, and increase the investment attractiveness of the territory.
Conclusion. The weakening of the centralized power, regional and municipal authorities, the coalescence of power and crime, the consistent socio-political degradation of the regional community leads to the failure of the country's economic security as a whole. Beyond the lower boundaries of the country's sustainable economic development, unpredictable processes are emerging, which lead to a worsening of the socio-economic situation.


national and economic security, state policy in the field of economic security, crisis, strategy, monitoring, threats, risks.