UDC 311


M.R. Efimova,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Statistics, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia
E. A. Dolgikh,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia
T. A. Pershina,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia
O. E. Bashina
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Statistics, Marketing and Accounting, Moscow University for the Humanities. Moscow, Russia


Objective. The development of the digital economy largely depends on the factors of the use of information and communication technologies and the Internet, in this regard, a statistical assessment of these indicators in dynamics and regional context is important.
Materials and methods. The article analyzes the use of personal computers by the population in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Results. The analysis of trends in the development of telephone density of fixed communications and penetration of cellular communications in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was carried out, and the share of the population using the Internet to order goods and (or) services was analyzed, which revealed a significant trend in all federal districts.
Conclusion. The research results can be used for more effective use of ICT and the Internet by the population.


information and communication technologies, the Internet, ICT, personal computers, communications, programs.