UDC 332.1
M. V. Sergeeva,
Master of Economics, Candidate of Science in Economics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation
Objective. This work assumes that, depending on the level of economic development and, as a consequence, transport infrastructure, the latter's contribution to human development, as measured by the human development index, differs.
Materials and methods. The analysis was carried out in 127 countries of the world with various economic, social and political systems. Panel data for 2009–2018 were used to build the model.
Result. The data obtained confirm that the countries, depending on which cluster in terms of the level of economic and transport infrastructure development, they belong to, are characterized by a different influence of the development of transport infrastructure on the human development index.
Conclusion. The study found that in developed countries, transport infrastructure can become a "bottleneck" on the path of human development, which indicates the effect of transport inhibition of socio-economic development.
transport infrastructure, human development index.