UDC 336.763.3


E. B. Tyutyukina
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
A. A. Tyutyukina
Member of the Temporary creative student team, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation


Relevance. The effective functioning of infrastructure is one of the main conditions for sustainable economic growth, the quality of life of the population, and the strengthening of Russia’s defense capabilities. Rational use of infrastructure bonds will increase the share of private business in financing infrastructure projects and increase the investment attractiveness of infrastructure projects.
Objective: to analyze the Russian market for infrastructure bonds aimed at financing or refinancing infrastructure projects in the field of public-private partnerships and concession agreements and to develop recommendations for its further development.
Results. In the process of analyzing the Russian infrastructure bond market, restrictions were identified that impeded the further development of the infrastructure bond market in Russia, recommendations were made on how to address the institutional, organizational and economic support of the infrastructure bond market.
It is concluded that the infrastructure bond market, as a mechanism for attracting long-term financing in infrastructure projects, is promising for the development and updating of infrastructure.


investments, infrastructure, concession bonds, infrastructure bonds, risks, efficiency.