UDC 311.1


O. E. Bashina
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Statistics, Marketing and Accounting, Moscow State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
E. A. Dolgikh,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor State University of management, Moscow, Russia
T. A. Pershina,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor State University of management, Moscow, Russia
A. A. Sychev,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor State University of management, Moscow, Russia


In conditions of socio-economic instability, employment is an important area of state regulation. Youth unemployment is a key issue in any country's economy. The article analyzes the level of youth employment and unemployment in the labor market in Russia. The analysis of the distribution of unemployed youth by gender and age, as well as by level of education. The main reasons for the unemployment of unemployed young people with work experience are considered.


unemployment rate, employment rate, youth, labor market, labor force.