UDC 65.01
Elena V. Ganebnykh,
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor, Management
and Marketing Department,
Vyatka State University,
Kirov, Russia
Olga V. Fokina,
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Head of Management and
Marketing Department,
Vyatka State University,
Kirov, Russia
Purpose of work. The article examines the company’s transition to management based on a process ap‑ proach. This approach is the basis for the implementation of lean manufacturing, which is extremely popular in recent years in Russia. CEOs don’t always know where and how to launch the transformation. Materials and methods. The authors have developed diagnostic matrices in three areas: process man‑ agement, organizational culture, and organizational system. Results. Using an expert assessment according to the proposed criteria, a manager can understand the current level of development of his company, as well as identify problem areas for each of the categories. Conclusion. Diagnostic matrices are developed according to the analysis of processes in the dynamics of transformation of the company’s policy from reactive to proactive.
project management, industrial management, lean manufacturing, process approach, pro‑ cess diagnostics.