UDC 378.6.016: 81
O. L. Mokhova,
Ph. D., Associate Professor Foreign
Languages Department of the Moscow
University for Industry and Finance
«Synergy», Moscow, Russia;
Associate Professor of Additional
Professional Education Department of
the Moscow State University of Food
Production, Moscow, Russia
Elza A. Sharykina,
Ph. D. in Economics, Director of the
Center for Strategic Development
and Promotion of the Moscow State
University of Food Production,
Moscow, Russia
Purpose of work. The purpose of this article is to define the concept of “economic discourse”, its essence, key features, and features. Materials and methods. It examines the features of this discourse, its genres, classifications, and ways to translate economic terms. Results. The article focuses on the problem of translating terms and phraseological units of economic texts. The author makes an attempt to analyze the features of translation of English economic texts using empirical material. As a result, methods of translating units at the lexical level are identified and characterized. Conclusion. The study of lexical units of the last decades is important in the professional training of students in the aspect of comparing financial and economic terminology.
terminology; economic discourse; economic terms.