UDC 330.15


Irina B. Teslenko,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department «Business Informatics and Economics», Vladimir State University named after N. G. and A. G. Stoletov, Vladimir, Russia


Purpose of work. The relevance of the problem under study lies in the fact that the state of the environment is one of the important factors that determine the welfare of society and accordingly affect the level of economic development. The purpose of this article is to identify problems and prospects for the development of green information technologies, which allows the development of new business models that contribute to resource conservation in almost all sectors of the economy and allow you to save financial resources.
Materials and methods. The objectives of the research include the analysis of Russian and foreign practice of using green information technologies, the impact of these technologies on the behavior of large companies, and identifying problems associated with their widespread distribution. The initial data for the analysis were strategic regulatory documents, including those using the Consultant database, and the official Internet pages of the subjects of the digital economy, their expert assessments.
Results. The study showed that in modern conditions, a business, in order to become successful, must take into account current trends in the application of new business models based on digital technologies, which are increasingly gaining positions in the industry and the world. Currently, these are eco-technologies or green technologies, many of which are based on IT solutions.
Conclusion. Green production technologies and Green IT are gradually gaining popularity and will soon become the norm in every industry, as they, on the one hand, increase the efficiency of enterprises, and on the other – preserve the environment, fully implementing the concept of a green economy.


green economy, IT solutions, green information technologies, environmentally friendly computer technology, business models.