UDC 339.5


Olga B. Digilina,
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Political Economics Department, Peoples ‘ Friendship University of Russia University, Moscow, Russia


Purpose of work. The relevance of the problem under study is that the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic around the world and in Russia has significantly influenced the trajectory of the development of new information technologies, which not only radically change human life, but ensure the functioning of the economy in conditions epidemics. The purpose of this article is to identify the features, problems, and prospects for the development of the IT-INDUSTRY in an epidemic.
Materials and methods. The objectives of the research include the analysis of Russian and foreign practice of using IT technologies in various sectors of the economy, the impact of IT technologies on the behavior of investors and consumers. The initial data for the analysis were strategic regulatory documents, including those using the Consultant database, and the official web pages of the subjects of the digital economy, their expert assessments.
Results. The study showed that the pandemic revealed weaknesses and identified the needs for further improvement of national highly resilient architectures, high-tech software systems and promising information security tools, the development of regions with weak Internet coverage.
Conclusion. The pandemic has forced companies to be more responsible, recognizing the fragility of the lives of those they work for and whose needs they must meet.


IT-industry, pandemic, digital technologies, online technologies.