UDC 347.779


A. M. Chernukhin,
Chief Specialist of the Analytics Center, Federal Institute of Industrial Property Moscow, Russia


Relevance. The rapid growth of the digital economy, driven by broadband penetration and coupled with increased computing power and storage capacity, is creating global markets for content and rights holders. But it also poses the threat that, without adequate controls, piracy will harm the creative industries. Therefore, in this study, the author focuses in particular on how the growing digital economy affects copyright.
This article examines the impact of the digital economy on intellectual property. Digital technologies, in particular the Internet, have revolutionized the way authors, composers, and artists reproduce, access, transmit, and distribute their works. In addition, Digital opens up more opportunities for both legitimate and counterfeit use of trademarks. The development of the digital economy is a challenge for the institute of intellectual property in technologically developed countries, where intellectual property is an important tool for increasing competitiveness and stimulating innovative development.
The purpose of the work: to analyze the impact of digital technologies on intellectual property objects in modern conditions.
Result. Digital transformation (DIGITAL transformation) uses technology to create value and new services for different stakeholders, innovate and acquire the ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances.
The author argues that digital transformation is not just about technology. It’s about value, people, optimization, and the ability to adapt quickly when needed, through the intelligent use of technology and information.
In some countries, such as Japan, digital transformation even aims to impact on all aspects of life through initiatives «Society 5.0» (which has some similarities with the concept of industrial transformation, industry 4.0).
Conclusion. Legal protection of new creations and intellectual property protection not only contributes to additional resources for further innovation, but also stimulates economic growth, creates new jobs and industries, and enhances the quality produced by the new technology of the products.


intellectual property, digital transformation, intellectual property objects, Rospatent, copyright, intellectual property rights.