UDC 001.4
T. N. Osintseva,
Candidate of Philological Sciences,
Associate Professor, Head of the
Department of Foreign Languages,
Synergy University,
Moscow, Russia
Professor of the Department of Foreign
Languages, St. Petersburg State
Maritime Technical University,
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Relevance. Research in the field of entrepreneurial thinking reflecting the cognitive approach to the definition
of the concept of «entrepreneurial activity» is very relevant, but the role of language for understanding
how entrepreneurship is perceived by society and by entrepreneurs themselves has not been studied.
Methodology and sources. Language, in our opinion, is an instrument of external representation of the
internal thought process that forms the concept of entrepreneurship and allows society to form the image of an entrepreneur in the linguistic consciousness of nations. In the course of the study, we analyze seven root
metaphors, identified based on the analysis of the corpus of texts in English on entrepreneurship.
Results and discussion. According to the results of the study, it is possible to draw a conclusion about two
interrelated levels of functioning of the concept of «entrepreneurship» – the level of thought processes of the
meditative mechanism and the level of linguistic representation. The means of conceptualization are the root
metaphors, the analysis of which is presented in our work.
Conclusion. The metaphors analyzed in this article can be used to reinterpret entrepreneurship, to evoke
images that can be further explored and tested through an associative experiment.
entrepreneur, entrepreneurial activity, thinking, perception, language consciousness, metaphor, corpus research, concept, social context, language representation.