UDC 374
T. B. Serebrovskaya,
Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate
Professor, Associate Professor of the
Department of Foreign Languages,
Synergy University
Moscow, Russia
V. V. Lavrova,
Member of the Temporary Scientific
and Creative Group, Faculty of
Linguistics, University «Synergy»,
Novaya Bukhtarma,
Republic of Kazakhstan
A. A. Lisitsina,
Member of the Temporary Scientific and
Creative Group, Faculty of Linguistics,
University «Synergy»
Moscow, Russia
E. A. Ndongo,
Member of the Temporary Scientific and
Creative Group, Faculty of Linguistics,
University «Synergy»,
Kiev, Ukraine
Relevance. The article deals with issues related not only to the development of education, but also the
impact of these processes on the future life of the new generation of the country. For obvious reasons, digitalization
of education is one of the main priorities, which is enshrined in government documents of the Russian
Federation. At the same time, various issues arise, the solution of most of which is a direct consequence of the
novelty, lack of knowledge when creating and launching the mechanisms of digital educational platforms, or
already in the process of interacting with them. As a result, the final results, with the already proven vital necessity,
require further reflection and elaboration.
The purpose of the study is to identify current trends in the use of the leading educational portals of
the Russian Federation and to prove the need to take into account the possible risks associated with their
use by students.
Research objectives: analysis of the work of educational portals of Agi.ru and MASH. determine the effectiveness
of their proposed programs, evaluate the positive aspects of these portals and possible negative impacts.
Conclusion. The directions of work of digital educational portals are defined, the programs offered for
teaching schoolchildren are investigated, the factors that can have a negative impact on the participants of
this process are given
Digital educational technologies, educational portal, interactive tasks, Teach.ru, MASH.