UDC 374


I. I. Penkovskaya,
Head of the Department of Linguistics, Synergy University, Moscow, Russia
A. O. Vaisova,
Member of the Temporary Scientific and Creative Group, Synergy University, Moscow, Russia


Relevance. Due to the fact that the rapid development of the mobile Internet and portable devices has provided modern society with a large number of opportunities, it is sometimes quite difficult to choose the most suitable Internet resource. In the educational process, despite the fact that the number of training Internet portals has achieved impressive results, there is a problem of effective use of the proposed Internet sites.
The article discusses Internet resources that can make the educational process in a foreign language modern and effective.
The purpose of the study is to identify relevant interactive technologies and methods that contribute to the improvement of the process of mastering a foreign language.
Research objectives: analysis of Internet portals that are most adapted to the learning process at school; identification of effective interactive tasks for working in the classroom and outside of school hours; assessment of the positive aspects and disadvantages of Internet resources.
Conclusion. The directions of using Internet resources in working with students in educational activities are determined, the factors influencing the quality of the educational process are given, the conclusion about the place of information and communication technologies in the teaching system in general, and in a foreign language in particular, is formulated.


internet resources, information and communication technologies, educational process, foreign language competence.