UDC 346.61
T. V. Ashitkova,
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Leading
Researcher of the Department of
Scientific Support of Prosecutor’s
Supervision and Strengthening of the
Rule of Law in the Socio-Economic
Sphere, Research Institute of the
University of Prosecutor’s Office of the
Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia
Prosecutor’s supervision over the implementation of laws in the field of pricing for socially significant goods
is one of the priority areas of the prosecutor’s office, the relevance of which has increased during the pandemic.
The key factors influencing the price increase during this period were a sharp increase in consumer demand
for medicines, medical devices and essential food products.
Due to the aggravation of the situation in the field of law enforcement, the prosecutor’s office promptly
responded to the facts of illegal price increases for food products, medicines, medical products, violations of
the pricing procedure in these areas. The prosecutor’s supervision in this area is of a systematic nature, the
provided preventive powers are actively implemented to prevent possible violations.
The analysis of the prosecutor’s supervision and law enforcement practice made it possible to make proposals
to improve the pricing procedure for a number of socially significant goods.
pricing, socially significant products, medicines, essential food, coronavirus infection.