UDC 339.371.5
G. N. Chernukhina,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head
of the Department Commerce and
Commercial Affairs,
Synergy University,
Moscow, Russia
A. Schelukhina,
Member of the Temporary Scientific and
Creative Group, Synergy University,
Moscow, Russia
Relevance. According to statistics, most Internet users spend a lot of time on social networks. There you
can chat with friends and find new ones, see interesting materials in different groups. That is why it is so important
to post information about a product or service on social networks such as VKontakte and Facebook.
Groups in social networks can either make high-quality advertising for an existing business, or become an
independent source of income. According to the authors, social networks are a great opportunity to conduct
marketing activities, promptly answer customer questions, process new requests, help find answers to new
customers ‘ questions, and work with the loyalty of existing ones. Social media has changed the way businesses
and customers interact with each other, and it is important that social media is seen as a means of real-time
communication and feedback.
The purpose of the work: to explore the tools of SMM in interaction with the client base in social networks.
Result. The authors argue that the use of social media plays an important role in customer service. The
mutual benefits of easy brand accessibility via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and others make it easy to connect
with customers and engage in social interaction, ensuring brand creation and broad contact across multiple
channels. From an entrepreneur’s point of view, this saves a lot of time and money. In addition, the use of social
networking sites allows you to reach a much wider group of customers than using traditional methods.
This contact form is extremely convenient for customers, as it connects to their social network and social
time, allows you to quickly contact the customer service department without having to make endless inconvenient
phone calls. Companies can use multiple social media channels at the same time to give customers the
freedom to choose their preferred contact form.
social media marketing, customer interaction, customer base, Internet promotion, CRM system, mobile applications.