UDC 339


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow International University, Moscow
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Russian University of Transport, Moscow
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia


Purpose of work. Modern economics requires that a graduate of a non-linguistic university with economic knowledge can generate ideas, work in a team, including an international one, defend his point of view, search for useful information in both his native and foreign languages, master new technologies and learn throughout his life. An integral part of the skills and abilities of such a specialist is the ability to read professionally oriented texts in a foreign language. The task of the teacher is to teach not just to read a text in a foreign language, but also to understand and evaluate the read text of a professional orientation. In these conditions, the traditional approach to teaching professionally oriented reading in a foreign language is not effective enough.
Materials and methods. The author suggests using the project technology in teaching professionally oriented reading.
Results. The authors claim that effective conditions for autonomous educational activity are created based on a meaningful interdisciplinary context of professional training of a student using contextual learning technologies. This article describes the application of this technology in foreign language classes and analyzes the results obtained.
Conclusion. The authors conclude about the expediency of using the project technology in teaching professionally oriented reading.


professionally oriented reading, non-linguistic university, project technology.