UDC 331
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Vladimir State University
named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs,
Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal
Penitentiary Service of Russia,
Vladimir, Russia
PhD in Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor
Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal
Penitentiary Service of Russia,
Vladimir, Russia
Relevance. The article is devoted to a modern tool for working with personnel - outplacement. The urgency of the
outplacement problem in Russia is caused by the fact that, unlike European countries, outplacement began to develop in our country only after the 1998 crisis, therefore, compared with foreign countries, this service has not yet been widely
used in the labor market.
Objective: to investigate outplacement as a modern technology of personnel management, factors influencing its
development and conditions for the use of this technology in the Russian Federation.
Tasks: to consider the term «outplacement»; approaches to the management of enterprises and organizations in
general, as well as in personnel management; strategies and methods of outplacement; to show the average cost of the
Results. As a result of the conducted research, the prerequisites for the emergence, essence, features of the use of
outplacement in various countries, the existing problems of implementation and prospects for application are revealed,
the need for the adoption of regulatory legal acts at the legislative level is revealed; it is confirmed that in practice
outplacement can reduce the cost of dismissal compared with legal social benefits. Examples of successful use of this
personnel management tool are given.
personnel management, outplacement, personnel policy, reputation of the manager and the company.