UDC 339.13


Graduate student of the Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
member of the temporary scientific and creative group of the direction «Business Informatics», Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletov


Purpose of the work. The article is devoted to the analysis of online trading in Russia. The article examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of e-commerce, analyzes the most popular online goods and Internet services. The advantages of creating online stores for the company are considered, the problems that hinder the development of this segment of trade are studied. Purpose of the study is to study the turnover of the domestic e-commerce market in Russia, the scale of e-commerce by regions of the country, the most popular products in online sales.
Materials and methods. The advantages of creating online stores for the company are considered, the problems that hinder the development of this segment of trade are studied.
Results. It is investigated how the online sale of goods and the sale of online services developed in 2020. It was revealed that the most popular service was online education, telecommunications services, online food delivery and entertainment services. It is confirmed that the pandemic has led to the widespread spread of online commerce in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, and online stores have become a certain competitive advantage of business.
Conclusion. Online trading in Russia has become very popular in a short period of time. Every year this segment is developing more and more, new online stores, marketplaces, online services are being created.


online trade, online stores, e-commerce, AKIT, sale of goods.