UDC 338.1
Analyst at the Center for Strategic Research
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor
of the Department of Applied Economics,
Moscow State Institute of International
Relations (University) Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Russia,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Relevance. The degree of automation and digitalization of the economies of states as a proxy indicator of
innovativeness may indicate their level of development. For this assessment, there are approaches and a wide range
of different metrics that set the boundaries for the penetration of IT solutions into economies of countries, and the
prevalence of automation. This article attempts to aggregate the most common approaches to assessing this degree.
The purpose of the study. The purpose of this work is to highlight the key approaches that can be used to determine
the level of digitalization and automation of economy, as well as to assess readiness of society to expand practices of
their implementation
Results. In addition to such approaches as that of the International Federation of Robotics, which assesses the
degree of automation of the economy by the ratio of industrial robots to jobs, there are a number of other assessment
methods. They, among other things, focus on indirect factors of the economic and social environment, which allows us
to give a deeper assessment and assume the level of society’s readiness to implement innovative solutions in the field of
digitalization and automation.
digitalization, automation, industrial robots, digital transition, methods of estimation, ratings. index.