UDC 811.92


Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Synergy University, Moscow, Russia


Research topicality. Nowadays language modelling researches are popular as they can be used in corpus linguistics. Semantics has been one of the important branches in linguistics as its results can be useful in a great number of scientific directions.
The conception of R. de Saussure’s language modelling, presented in the article combines language modelling and semantics research at the same time. The theory with its practical use, demonstrated in the article can be applied in any kind of linguistic science, computer linguistics, in particular as language word formation system is regarded from a mathematical standpoint.
The aim of research is to introduce new linguistic ideas of Rene de Saussure, first elaborated on artificial languages (Esperanto) and based on an essential language (French), then to apply them in two more languages: English and Turkish.
Research task is to study the theoretical ideas (roots and affixes xlassification) and to check how the analysis with the principles of necessity and sufficiency, proposed by Rene de Saussure can work in essential languages English and Turkish.
Materials and methods of the research are general scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, abstracting, systematic approach.
The results of research. The classification presented in the article can be useful in creating online affix dictionaries; word formation theory explains the structure of a word from a mathematical standpoint and reveals why some words require affixes. The analysis can be useful in language construction.


particular idea, general idea, substantive, adjective and verbal ideas, principles of necessity and sufficiency