UDC 351


Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Vladimir Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Vladimir, Russia


Relevance of the study. The article emphasizes the importance of the adoption of digital technologies and their integration into the functioning of public administration and state civil service institute.
Objective. Within the framework of this article the technologies of working with public civil service personnel are analyzed. It is noted that the ultimate goal of human resources policy is the formation of highly professional and competent staff that meets modern requirements of the development of management system and civil society. The development of human resources of public civil service is considered as an effective mechanism for improving public administration.
Result. The development of managerial personnel in the era of digital transformation is analyzed, some problems are identified and proposals concerning the improvement of this area of activity are developed.


public administration, public civil service, personnel policy, human resources capacity, digital technologies, innovative technologies, digital transformation.