UDC 347.77
DOI: 10.36871/v.a.2022.03.01.002
M. G. Ivanova,
A. M. Chernukhin,
Federal Institute of Industrial
Property, Moscow, Russia
Relevance. In modern conditions, the practical application and wide dissemination of the results of scientific,
technical and research activities, designed in the form of objects of intellectual property and its protection, is a necessary
factor of economic development.
Copyright, as a rule, exists automatically for all types of creative content. The purpose of copyright is to protect the
intellectual creation of the developer and assumes that if the license is not issued to a third party, they have the exclusive
right to use their work and earn money from it. The exclusive right allows copyright holders to prohibit other persons
from using their works without permission.
In the past, many methods of protecting digital copyrights have been developed, but, nevertheless, there are many
gaps in the protection systems that need to be addressed. With a blockchain-based registration system, checking whether
a previously registered work infringes copyright or not will be much easier. This type of blockchain-based detection
system can be applied, for example, to text, works of art and music using artificial intelligence.
The purpose of the study. In accordance with the relevance of the topic of this scientific research, the purpose of the
work is to study various aspects of the use of blockchain technology in the field of intellectual property.
The author has set the following tasks: to investigate the functioning of blockchain technology; to analyze the
forecast of the market volume of distributed registry technologies in the world and in Russia; to study the chain of
intellectual property creation; to identify potential applications of blockchain related to intellectual property related to
technology transfer and specialists in the field of intellectual property, etc.
Results. The copyright holder has the exclusive right to copy the work, publish copies of the work, rent or make the
work available to the public, perform, display or reproduce the work publicly, report the work to the public, edit or adapt
the work, sell or license the copyright for use by others. The author also has the right to prohibit other persons from using
his work without first obtaining permission. Thanks to the copyright mechanism, the creators’ efforts can be rewarded.
The author’s analysis shows that blockchain technology is a specific data structure in which each digital block
is connected by a chain in the order of events. It can be considered as an innovative application model using several
computer technologies, such as encryption algorithms.
The Internet is filled with all kinds of content: photos, texts, poems, comics, music. Any content on the Internet is
a protected object. The transition of mass production of content to digital format has caused an increase in demand for
intellectual property protection in this segment.
intellectual property, blockchain, smart contract, Rospatent, copyright, content, intellectual property rights.