UDC 336.1
DOI: 10.36871/v.a.2022.03.01.004
M. V. Zhelyabovskaya,
Institute of Online Education, Financial
University, Moscow, Russia
A. K. Esenova,
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Relevance. The global trend of recent years is the fight against illegal financial transactions. The real damage from
them is currently impressive, while the number of economic offenses has increased in 2021. This study analyzes the state
of the national financial monitoring system in the Russian Federation.
The purpose of the work is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the Federal Financial Monitoring
Service for 2016-2021.
Materials and methods: when writing the work, the author used methods of the general theory of statistics, namely
absolute values, methods of analysis and synthesis. A graphical method of data visualization was used to visually display
statistical data.
Results: the article reveals the main problems that hinder the effective operation of the national anti-washing system.
The emphasis is placed on the mechanism of interaction of Rosfinmonitoring with the law enforcement unit of Russia. It is
noted that the role of financial monitoring is important from the standpoint of ensuring the economic security of the state.
The effectiveness of the work carried out by Rosfinmonitoring on countering illegal financial and economic transactions
is analyzed. A number of problems related to deficiencies in the national anti-washing system were also identified in
accordance with the FATF mutual assessment report. Emphasis was placed on measures to improve the mechanism for
countering the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.
In conclusion, it should be noted that over the 20 years of its existence, the Russian financial monitoring system
has achieved outstanding success and today stands on a par with such jurisdictions that have high potential in this
financial monitoring, AML/CFT, evaluation, efficiency, Rosfinmonitoring.