UDC 333.221
DOI: 10.36871/v.a.2022.03.01.006
A. S. Kotlyar,
OOO «Porsche Center Moscow»; DBAVShKU RANEPA, Moscow, Russia
Relevance. In the context of modern challenges, the importance of improving the processes of new products launch
to markets is increasing to stay ahead of competitors and meet the growing demands of potential consumers The features
of the process of performing innovative products launches are discussed within this article discusses. The analysis of
theoretical approaches and the author’s own practical experience allowed to propose a method for schematizing the
business process of launching an innovative product.
Goal of this article are research of approaches to improving the business process of launching an innovative
product. The tasks are to analyze the features of an innovative product, develop a methodology for constructing a scheme
of business processes for the output of an innovative product, taking into account risks and strategically important
resources of the company.
Methodology of research is based on both general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, and
concretization) and concrete scientific methods (a systematic approach and multifactor models). The theoretical and
methodological basis of this study is the understanding of the impact of business processes on the process of evaluating
and implementing innovative activities of the company, as well as its relationship with such aspects of preparation for the
introduction of innovative activities as risk and resource assessment.
Results of research: the methodology of express modeling of business processes of bringing an innovative product
to the market has been developed, which allows to determine the need for changes in existing business processes for
embedding new components in them or changing existing ones, to conduct this modeling, considering the risks of
innovation and identifying the problems in the resource provision of these processes in a short time.
innovation, innovative activity, strategy, innovative product, business process, risks, resource provision.