UDC 316.35
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2022.06.02.005


V. V. Filatov,
Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art), Moscow, Russia
M. V. Tokareva,
Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia
B. P. Nechaev,
FGBOU VO «Moscow State University of Food Production», Moscow, Russia
A. E. Mikhailova,
St. Petersburg State Forestry Engineering University named after S.M. Kirov, Saint Petersburg, Russia


Relevance. From the point of view of the owners, the most important assessment of the effectiveness of investment is the presence of profit on invested capital. At the end of the analyzed period - for 2020 - the return on equity remained at zero. It is necessary to take measures to increase this indicator, since maintaining it at the same level can lead to a loss of investment attractiveness of the organization. The highest return on equity is 0,012 rubles. was observed for 2019. During the analyzed period, a decrease in these indicators indicates a significant decrease in the investment attractiveness of the company due to a drop in the efficiency of working with borrowed funds. JSC «Russian Railways» refers to corporations that currently have the ability to fulfill obligations, but due to a number of negative trends in activities, it may periodically have a weakened ability to fulfill obligations. Cash inflows are subject to significant fluctuations. Studies have shown that there is no large gap, or that the existing gap is caused by a discrepancy between the company’s results and market expectations.
An analysis of the corporate materials of the Russian Railways company allows us to note the shortcomings of the current professional development programs: the factors motivating the development of personnel have not been determined; employees are not sufficiently informed about existing programs; staff satisfaction with the results of training programs is not monitored; additional training is provided only to a small part of Russian Railways employees.
Purpose. This article provides a transactional analysis of the three main categories of corporate governance of Russian Railways: property, investment, management.
Conclusion. The specifics of the personnel management system at Russian Railways is associated with the presence of qualified personnel and a developed management system in the company that ensures the sustainable development of the economy, ecology and the social sphere. The personnel policy is aimed at ensuring the prestige of professions in railway transport by increasing competitiveness, increasing wages in comparison with other sectors of the economy and creating motivational mechanisms for providing highly qualified personnel.


management analysis, principles of corporate governance, JSC «Russian Railways».