UDC 677.074
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2022.09.03.003


Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Commerce and Service Kosygin Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art)», Russia, Moscow
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Marketing and Advertising Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia, Moscow
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Trade of the Tula Branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Tula, Russia
Kosygin Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art)», Russia, Moscow


The purpose of the work. This article discusses the specifics of the service concept of marketing of retail organizations in the post-pandemic environment.
the post-pandemic environment. Materials and methods. Over the past few years of the pandemic, marketing directors of large trading companies have been ousted by other specialists from their professional niche, since they were not focused on key areas – big data and digital technologies. The loss of control over the service concept of marketing in the post-pandemic conditions caused the growth of the importance of social networks, as well as mobile applications and gadgets.
Results. It is established that the specificity of the service marketing concept in the post-pandemic conditions is to focus on maintenance activities throughout the entire life of the product. It orients the retail trade to focus its efforts on the trading service.
Conclusion. According to the service concept, it turns out that the activities of retail trade organizations should be focused on the maximum satisfaction of the unique needs of each customer by providing him with a product that combines material goods and related services - a product that has high qualities and meets all the requirements of the buyer. Without the availability of service, along with a decrease in the consumer value of the product, its competitiveness also decreases.


service marketing concepts, retail organizations, postpandemia.