UDC 330.1; 657
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2022.09.03.005


Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Moscow, Russia


Relevance. The relevance of the article stems from current trends in sustainable development and the need to consider the interests of stakeholders for companies to pursue sustainable corporate governance and benefit from competitive advantages.
Purpose of the work. To determine the vector for corporate strategy in the sphere of sustainable development and ensuring the interests of stakeholders.
Materials and methods. The following documents are analyzed: the Davos Manifesto of 1973 and the Davos Manifesto of 2020. To achieve the purpose of the study, comparative analysis is used using methods of grouping, generalization, classification of data.
Results. The study highlights the key features of modern corporate development, suggesting a shift of focus from the financial component to corporate sustainability, ESG principles, ethical considerations and the interests of all stakeholders.
Conclusion. The significance of the above conclusions is that they reflect the general trend of the current stage of development of the corporate sector in the direction of strengthening the principles of sustainable development and greater consideration of the interests of stakeholders.


sustainable development, corporate sustainability, stakeholder theory, World Economic Forum, Davos Manifesto, value.