UDC 339.1
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2022.09.03.007
Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Lecturer of
the Economic Policy and Private-Public
Partnership Department, Moscow State
Institute of International Relations
(University), Moscow, Russia
PhD in Political Science, Docent Department
of Economic Policy and Public-Private
Partnership of MGIMO Russia, Director of the
Foundation «New Quality of Life»,
Moscow, Russia
The purpose of the work is to analyze the transformation of scientific ideas about social policy, about the relationship
between the concepts of «social policy» and «public welfare».
Materials and methods. The article presents an analysis of social issues and the role of the state in the presentation
of philosophers and thinkers of different eras – from antiquity to modernity.
Results. The aggravation and complication of social problems leads States to understand the need to expand social
policy measures to ensure a decent quality of life for their citizens. The very concept of «quality of life» includes a wide
range of factors, in particular employment and working conditions, the level of development of education and health
systems, their infrastructure, and other various kinds of social guarantees.
Conclusion. All these phenomena that shape the quality of life of the population are an integral component of social
policy that contributes to the effectiveness of socio-economic development of any society.
Social Policy, Social sphere, Human Capital, Welfare State, Government, Business, Society, Market Economy, Economic Policy, Government Regulation.