UDC 330, 332.13
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2022.12.04.011


S. P. Mongush,
Junior Researcher, Tuva Institute of Integrated Development of Natural Resources SB RAS, Kyzyl, Russia; Postgraduate student of the V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia
V. T. Liktan,
candidate of economic Sciences, Tuvan State University, Kyzyl, Russia


The purpose of the work. The purpose of the study is to identify the role of integration aspects in the development of territories with non-identical economic and social conditions.
Materials and methods. Aspects of integrating processes of specializations of the regions participating in the Yenisei Siberia project are described, the forms of integration interaction presented in the strategic documents of the regions are updated. The indicators of differentiation of socio-economic development of the project participants are analyzed.
Results. Each region should be drawn into integration interactions of a different nature in order to be part of a single whole, to be useful, to learn from experience, to develop. Only thanks to the “unity of purposeful subjects” will the “complete security” of the socio-economic stability of the country as a whole be ensured. The development of integration interactions between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will increase the efficiency of cooperation between external and specific regional resources, which will help achieve a synergistic effect for regions with different specializations. A single concept of the vector development of interacting regions will make it possible to more effectively distribute their capabilities in the aggregate of their competitive advantages in the economic arena of the country as a whole. When individual conditions and positions do not develop the necessary mechanisms to achieve effective results in the socio-economic development of territories. Recently, public administration is based on the peculiarities of the development of territories. So, for a specific agent (subject), the most adaptable option for long-term socio-economic development is selected, which will allow the applied management tools to activate the internal reserves of the regions to increase the efficiency of the economic growth of the subject. Thus, the integration interactions of the regions participating in the CIP “Yenisei Siberia” have become a necessary objectivity that will help level out territorial disproportions by achieving socio-economic effects in regional systems.
Conclusion. The results of the study can be considered by the regional authorities in the process of strengthening various contexts in the interacting areas of the participants in the Yenisei Siberia CIP, which will further reduce asymmetric aspects in the spatial socio-economic development of the regions.


development, interaction, region, integration, socio-economic situation.