UDC 311
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2023.03.01.002
E. A. Dolgikh,
Candidate of Science (Economics), Associate
Professor, Associate Professor of Department
of Statistics, State University of Management,
Moscow, Russia
T. A. Pershina,
Candidate of Science (Economics), Associate
Professor, Associate Professor of Department
of Statistics, State University of Management,
Moscow, Russia
O. E. Bashina
Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor,
Professor of the Department of Applied
Informatics and Statistics, Moscow University
for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
The purpose of the work. The article analyzes an important component of the Russian e-commerce market –
marketplaces. An overview of the Russian online trading market is given.
Materials and methods. The analysis of the dynamics of its volume, the number of couriers, as well as the number
of warehouse employees.
Results. A comparative characteristic of the activities of the main indicators of the activities of marketplaces for
2021 is given – the volume of online sales, the number of orders and the average receipt. Based on the values of the
considered indicators, the grouping of the main marketplaces operating on the territory of the Russian Federation
was performed. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the target audience of marketplaces: the structure
of buyers by gender and age is considered. The analysis of the intersection of visitors to the sites of marketplaces
was performed. The characteristics of the delivery conditions offered by the marketplaces are given. To analyze the
frequency of online purchases on marketplaces, the results of a survey conducted in 2021 by Yandex Market and GfK
Rus are considered.
Conclusion. The characteristic of the most popular reasons for buying goods on the marketplace is given. Special
attention in the article is paid to the analysis of data presented on the service for sellers of Sellerden marketplaces. The
analysis of the dynamics of the number of goods and the number of sellers on marketplaces is carried out, the most
popular categories of goods are considered. An estimate of the commission size of marketplaces for popular product
categories is given.
E-commerce, marketplace, purchases, revenue.