UDC 334.764
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2023.03.01.009


N. Yu. Kurganova,
senior lecturer of the Department of Commerce and trade, Synergy University, Moscow, Russia


The purpose of the work. In the context of digitalization, the development of the Chinese manufacturing industry acquires a new quality. This is facilitated by the activities of state institutions and the attraction of foreign direct investment. The purpose of the article is to study the trends in the functioning of the manufacturing industry for 2014-2020.
Materials and methods. Methods such as theoretical analysis of literature, analysis of documents, analysis of statistical data were used for the study.
Results. As a result of the study, it was found that the role of the digitalization factor of industry is not fully realized by scientists. The author concluded that traditional segments of the manufacturing industry are not developing as dynamically as innovative segments.
Conclusion. The analysis of the spatial structure of production shows that the manufacturing industry is developing unevenly in the Chinese regions: based on the cost expression of production, it is possible to distinguish leading regions and underdeveloped ones.


manufacturing industry, “Made in China-2025”, investment, depressing effect, innovation, value expression.