UDC 338.1
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2023.06.02.010


S. O. Asanov,
Postgraduate student, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Higher School of Industrial Policy, and Entrepreneurship, Moscow, Russia


The purpose of the work. The article analyzes the problems and opportunities for the effective use of the results of intellectual property (hereinafter referred to as RIA) in modern Russian socio-economic conditions. The purpose of the study is to provide directions for the effective use of RIA activities obtained in the field of R&D.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the work was made by such modern general scientific methods of research as: statistical analysis, structural-logical methods.
Results. The author noted the need to develop import substitution processes, highlighting several factors that are associated with a significant volume of imports of high-tech products created based on the use of RIA.
Conclusion. The paper highlights recommendations for the effective use and acceleration of the processes of application of RIA obtained in the field of R&D, including the justification of the decision-making system for the effective use of RIA throughout the life cycle of products, to develop methods and tools that will identify promising RIA and implement them, the position is substantiated about the need to improve the legislative and methodological basis for the interest in the accelerated implementation of RIA, the continuity and increase in the speed of attracting new personnel to innovative activities.


R&D, results of intellectual activity, RIA, import.