UDC 338.47: 629.33
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2023.06.02.012


M. V. Sergeeva,
PhD in Economics, Researcher, Labour Market Department, All-Russian Research Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia, Moscow, Russia


The purpose of the work. This article is aimed at studying measures of state support for employment and income of the population in the “post- COVID” period in Russia, with a focus on the evolution of state support measures.
Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, a system-structural approach to the analysis of regulatory legal acts is used.
Results. The study showed that many measures aimed at supporting employment and income of the population in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic continued their operation in the “post-COVID” period, and some support measures were expanded through the adoption of new regulatory legal acts.
Conclusion. The article proposes a classification of policy measures in the context of supply and demand factors. The analysis showed a shift in the “post-pandemic” period of emphasis from the predominant support of the involuntarily unemployed to the support of the employed population in the recovering labor market. State policy measures in relation to employment and incomes of the population in the “post-crisis” period in Russia contributed to the growth of the inclusiveness of the labor market and the general inclusive vector of economic growth, which may indirectly indicate the effectiveness of the implemented policy measures.


government support, support, employment, income.