UDC 331.1, 331.2
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2023.06.02.013
A. A. Sytnik,
Ph.D, Head of the Department of Human
Capital and Personnel Management
Russian State Social University
Moscow, Russia
The purpose of the work is to assess the competencies of employees of the gas industry enterprise and develop
measures for their development.
Materials and methods. The theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of the study was the methods of system
analysis, strategic analysis, the method of document analysis and observation, testing.
Results. In modern realities, human capital plays a key role in the organization, and improving its efficiency is the
driving force behind economic growth. Improving the quality characteristics of personnel allows you to get the maximum
benefit for the company and remain competitive in the market.
The competencies of employees are considered one of the most important resources, critical for any type of
organization, regardless of its nature or field of activity. Without them, the company would not only be unable to compete
in the market, but also to operate and even survive in the long term. Having staff with the right set of competencies
usually leads to an advantage in the market. Because of this, employee competencies have attracted the attention of both
academic and business researchers for many years.
Conclusion. This work is devoted to the study of technologies for the development of competencies that increase
the efficiency of personnel and, as a result, the competitiveness of the organization.
personal competencies, competencies of gas industry specialists, soft-skills, training as a tool for developing competencies.