UDC 331
DOI: 10.51409/v.a.2024.03.01.013


E. l. Shumskaya,
N. V. Gromova,
Synergy University, Moscow, Russia


The purpose of the work. Examines the development of a mechanism for increasing the personnel component of restaurant and retail enterprises, as well as a system of measures to implement this mechanism in practice, taking into account the number, scale, as well as negative macroeconomic factors. The current situation in the retail and restaurant business is analyzed in the context of modern economic reality, pressure and sanctions from Western countries, as one of the most affected sectors of the economy.
The article provides an overview of some companies that have “left” Russia, as well as the consequences faced by employers in this industry, and methods of overcoming them in terms of working with staff. The dynamics of vacancies in the industries under consideration in 2023 and for the same period in 2022 has been studied, which allows us to assess the increased demand for workers employed in the sectors of the economy considered by the author.
Materials and methods. The research methodology was based on the results of research by domestic and foreign scientists involved in the development of human capital in the industries considered by the author, dissertation research, analytical reviews of representatives of this branch of the economy.
Result. The article formulates the main mechanisms for increasing the personnel component of enterprises in the field of restaurant business and retail trade, as well as the main negative factors of the macro environment in the sectors of the economy under consideration.
Conclusion. In the current global economic conditions, characterized by a sharp increase in the importance of the labor force as a key factor and the main source of creating surplus value, the struggle is unfolding mainly in the field of human capital, since it is the staff that determines the success of any restaurant or store. The last few years have been particularly difficult for these two industries (pandemic, sanctions, mass closure of enterprises, supply problems, mass outflow of employees from CIS countries), as a result of which it is extremely important to monitor the dynamics and latest innovations in the field of personnel management in order to remain at the same level. It is economically profitable and efficient.


retail trade, restaurant chains, personnel management, HR department, recruiting, economic sanctions, human resources, migrant workers.