DOI: 10.26155 / VET.ZOO.BIO.201902010
UDC 599.322.2: 591.133.31 (045)


S. S. Rashitov


The paper presents the results of a study of the activity of the steppe groundhog in the southern and northern regions of the Akmola region and the effect of animal activity on their accumulation of fat. There are four species of groundhogs in Kazakhstan, of which three species (steppe groundhog (M. bobak), gray groundhog (M. baibacina) and long-tailed groundhog (M. baudata) are commercial animals. From the groundhog harvest valuable fur, healing fat and bile are obtained Groundhog fur is used for sewing many beautiful and warm fur products. From an adult Kazakh baibak you can get 600-700 g of melted fat, which is used in medicine to treat diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, various wounds, burns. Fat is also used for making creams for face and hands. The nutrition of groundhogs (and therefore the quantity and quality of the products obtained) depends on their daily and seasonal activity. The weather conditions mainly affect the activity of animals. In the southern regions of Akmola region, plant vegetation begins earlier than in northern regions of the region, and marmots there begin to actively feed and gain fat a few days earlier. In addition, the southern regions of the region belong to the dry land x steppes, there are fewer rainy days than in the northern regions, which also gives them the opportunity to feed somewhat more for a certain period. Comparing the weight categories of marmots mined in different regions, it was found that marmots in the southern regions begin to prey earlier than marmots in the northern regions. Therefore, in order to obtain products of the highest commercial quality, it is necessary to approve the terms of hunting for a bakbak in the southern regions of the region from June 30, and in the northern regions - from July 15.


groundhog, regions, fatness, activity, fat, weight.