DOI: 10.26155 / VET.ZOO.BIO.201904006
UDC 619: 616-006.81.04




Improving the treatment of melanoma in the oral mucosa in dogs is an urgent problem of veterinary oncology. One of the methods of choice in this case is cryodestruction, which is advisable to use in animals with unresectable melanoma of the oral mucosa. Experience in the use of cryogenic treatment has been accumulated in the experimental treatment clinics of the GU RONC RAMS named after N. N. Blokhin and the Veterinary Clinic “Biocontrol”, ICS “My Doctor” and the IVC MVA named after K. I. Skryabin (IVTs). Under observation were 38 patients with a diagnosis of melanoma of the oral mucosa of the II – III stage according to the WHO classification. Melanomas had anatomical localization or extensive local distribution difficult for surgical removal. All animals underwent cryodestruction of the neoplasm using the Cryo-01 “Elamed” apparatus with a nozzle diameter of 10 mm and a working part temperature of –189 ° C using a three-cycle method. Animals of the 1st group (11 dogs), in which the location and volume of the tumor made it possible to freeze the entire volume of the tumor tissue, underwent 2-3 cryodestruction sessions under general anesthesia with an interval between them 14-21 days in the treatment regimen until the tumor regressed completely. To dogs of the 2nd group (27 animals), in which melanoma had a large area, cryodestruction was used as a palliative method in the form of multiple courses with an interval of 14-21 days to reduce the tumor volume and improve the quality of life. In the 1st group, complete regression of the tumor was achieved in 82% (9 animals), partial regression in 18% (2 animals). The duration of the disease-free period in dogs with a diagnosis of “stage III melanoma" according to the WHO with complete tumor regression (9 dogs) ranged from 222 days to 1271 days, the total life expectancy from 323 days to 1271 days. The life expectancy of dogs diagnosed with stage III melanoma according to WHO with partial regression (29 dogs) ranged from 80 to 217 days. The death (or euthanasia) of all observed animals occurred as a result of the generalization of the oncological process, confirmed by pathological autopsy. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the cryodestruction method is effective in treating dogs with a diagnosis of “stage II – III oral mucosa melanoma” according to the WHO, and can also be recommended for prolonging life and improving its quality in dogs with large area melanomas.


melanoma, cryodestruction, surgery, oral cavity, dog, oral mucosa, palliative treatment.