UDC 636.4: 612.015.3: 637.5.64
DOI: 10.26155/vet.zoo.bio.202001010


O. V. Khotmirova
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Bryansk State Agrarian University,
E. E. Adelheim
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Bryansk State Agrarian University,
E.I. Timoshkina
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Veterinary Clinic "Life"


The effect of low protein diets at more optimal levels of amino acids and metabolic energy on pigs during the fattening period was studied, and the dynamics of the content of free amino acids in organs and tissues of pigs on low protein diets was also traced. It was found that pig fattening on low-protein barley-wheat diets is possible only on condition that they are enriched with additional limiting amino acids, in our case, an increase of 22–33% of the country's norms was optimal. An increase in limiting amino acids by 40–52% led to an increase in the yield of fat at the end of the fattening period, but the total protein content in the longest back muscle and muscle homogenate increased.


pigs, low protein diets, amino acids, metabolic energy