УДК 619:616.98:579.852.1-036.2(575.3)
DOI: 10.26155/vet.zoo.bio.202001002


G. Sh. Navruzshoeva, D. A. Devrishov
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K. I. Skryabin, Moscow


The results of monitoring the epizootological situation for anthrax in animals in the Republic of Tajikistan from 1937 to 2018 are presented. The results of the study revealed the intensity of the epizootic process in the regions of the republic. The dynamics of the development of the epizootic process among the livestock of cattle and small cattle was studied. The article provides an analysis of the number of anthrax in the Republic of Tajikistan, the main causes of the spread of the disease, and the comparative characteristics and effectiveness of the vaccines used for anthrax in the Republic of Tajikistan. Seasonal manifestations of anthrax in the Republic of Tajikistan, the relationship of the monthly dynamics of dysfunctional sites with agroclimatic data are given.


anthrax, soil lesion, epizootic situation, Republic of Tajikistan.