UDC 619: 579
DOI: 10.26155/vet.zoo.bio.202001004


N. V. Pimenov
Professor, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MV I. K. Skryabin


The global problem of antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria requires the search for means and methods alternative to the use of antibiotics. The studies carried out allowed us to determine the phenomenon of bacteriophagy as the basis for the development of drugs, methods of treatment and prevention of bacterial and infectious inflammatory pathologies of animals. Bacteriophages at the core of drugs can be an alternative to antibiotics and a replacement for their prophylactic use in various livestock industries. Promising directions for implementing the development strategy of means and methods of fighting infections based on bacteriophages are given. Positive results were obtained in studies of the effectiveness of phagotherapy and phagoprophylaxis of salmonellosis, intestinal bacteriosis of piglets, poultry, postpartum endometritis in cows, and in the fight against microcarriage in quail breeding. The effects and disadvantages of the intramammary use of phage agents in mastitis in cows and goats are noted.


bacteriophagy, antibiotic resistance, bacteriosis, phagoprophylaxis, phagotherapy, animal husbandry, infectious and inflammatory diseases