UDC 619: 616
DOI: 10.26155/vet.zoo.bio.202002001


V. N. Baymatov
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of General Pathology, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K. I. Skryabin,
O. O. Rybkova
Postgraduate Student, Department of General Pathology, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K. I. Skryabin


Cardio-pulmonary pathology has its own developmental mechanisms and manifestations. We used the antiparasitic drug “Mediatrin” to model this pathology. Along with the known properties, it also has a side - cardiotropic effect. In the instructions for use of the drug, it is noted that the occurrence of side effects (for example, impaired coordination in animals) requires drug therapy. Apparently, the drug also has a cumulative property, since animal meat is allowed to be eaten no earlier than 14 days after slaughter. So, after the introduction of mediatrin in mice, morphological changes in the heart and lungs occur. These are various types of dystrophy, necrosis, vascular disorders, hemorrhages. Rheological disorders led to stasis, destruction of organ structures. The pathogenesis of cardio-pulmonary syndrome revealed changes in the pumping function of the heart and circulatory disorders. Correction of changes in cardiopulmonary pathology with forevet leads to a decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory reaction and improves the condition of animals. At the same time, microcirculation in the myocardium and lungs is significantly improved, the amount of lymphoid infiltrate along the cardiomyocytes and alveoli decreases. At the same time, venous stasis, erythrocyte diapedesis into the connective tissue is partially visible. As a result, the interstitial tissue remains altered.


mice, heart, lungs, pathogenesis, cardio-pulmonary syndrome, forvet.