UDC 636.084.21
DOI: 10.26155/vet.zoo.bio.202002012


N. D. Ivanova
Applicant, Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy


This article presents the results of a study on the use of Ecostimul-2 and natural zeolite from the Honguruu deposit in the Suntarsky district in the diets of dairy cows. The effect of feed additives on the digestibility of nutrients and nitrogen metabolism of dairy cows of the Kholmogory breed in Central Yakutia was studied. Chemical analysis of feed, hematological parameters, clinical indicators, milk production was carried out according to generally accepted methods of zootechnical analysis.
Cows in the control group received the main diet. Cows of the 1st experimental group with the diet were fed the Ecostimul-2 feed additive, the 2nd experimental group - Ecostimul-2 and zeolite. The inclusion of the Ecostimul-2 feed additive in the diet contributed to an increase in milk productivity by 6,8%, and the inclusion in the diet of animals of the 2nd Ecostimul-2 experimental group and zeolite contributed to an increase in the milk productivity of cows by 10,5%, and fat content milk - by 0,79%.


dairy cows, Ecostimul-2, zeolite, feeding, milk production, digestibility, nitrogen balance.