UDC 636.2
DOI: 10.26155/vet.zoo.bio.202003011


M. A. Verotchenko
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry named after Academician L.K. Ernst


The use of vermiculite in feeding dairy cows contributed to an increase in the intensity of protein metabolism: in the experimental groups, the level of total protein increased by 10,73 and 9,45% compared with the control. The urea level decreased in the 1st and 2nd experimental groups by 8,73 and 6,37% against the control, remaining within the standard values; the magnesium content is 12,5 and 9,73% higher, respectively, than in the control. The milk productivity of cows in the experimental groups was higher than in the control: in the 1st group by 10,81%, in the 2nd - by 16,57%. The use of vermiculite in feeding dairy cows due to its multifaceted buffer, ion-exchange and sorption properties has a positive effect on protein-mineral metabolism and milk production of animals.


dairy cows, vermiculite, minerals, total protein, metabolism