UDC 619: 636.294: 576.89
DOI: 10.26155/vet.zoo.bio.202003012


M. Yu. Tishkov
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Leading Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of the Federal Academy of Pharmacy, Department of VNIIPO


Coprological studies of biomaterial (n = 350) from marals from four regions of the Russian Federation were carried out. The largest distribution was received by FSW and elafostrongil. Dicrocelia, eimeria, and trichocephalus have less invasiveness. In the Altai Territory, capillaries and nematodirs are additionally recorded, in the Altai Republic - only moniesia, and in the Tomsk region - fascioli. Six major invasions were noted in the Altai Republic, seven in the Altai Territory, and three species in the Tomsk and Voronezh Regions. In the course of the study, it was found that in the Altai Republic, the extent of invasion (EI) of elaphostrongilosis in stag beetles is 40%, in red deer - 20%, young animals - 90%. In stag beetles and deer FAs 20%, in young animals - 30%. Emeriosis, trichocephalosis, nematodirosis only in young animals EI 40, 20 and 20%, respectively, moniesiosis - 10%. In the Altai Territory, EI FSW in stag beetles is 40%, elafostrongyles - 60%, eimeriosis, trichocephalosis, capillariosis - 10% each, dicroceliosis - 60%. Maralukha FSW - 30%, elafostrongileza - 50%, eimeriosis and trichocephalosis - 20% each, dicroceliosis - 50%. In young animals, FSW and trichocephaliasis - 40% each, elafostrongileza - 100%, eimeriosis - 30%, capillariosis and nematodirosis - 30 and 11%, respectively. In the Tomsk region, deer of the FSW - 12,5%, elafostrongileza - 18,7%, fascioliasis - 25%. Marals of the Voronezh region have FSW - 75%, trichocephalosis and elafostrongileza - 25% each.


deer, regions of the Russian Federation, epizootic situation, helminthiases, age and gender groups, the intensity and intensity of invasion.