UDC 636.034: 636.082 + 619
DOI: 10.26155/vet.zoo.bio.202003013


N. Yu. Safina
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Researcher, Tatar Agricultural Research Institute - a separate structural unit of the Kazan Research Center Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Sh. K. Shakirov
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Tatar Agricultural Research Institute - a separate structural unit of the Kazan Research Center Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Z. F. Fattakhova
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Tatar Agricultural Research Institute - a separate structural unit of the Kazan Research Center Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
E. R. Gainutdinova
Junior Researcher, Tatar Agricultural Research Institute - a separate structural unit of the Kazan Research Center Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The study was conducted on 148 cows of the Holstein breed of the agricultural production farm “Lenzle Plemzavod” in the Atninsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Genotyping at the locus of the SCD1 - Fsp4H I gene showed that the studied population is polymorphic, as it is represented by all alleles and genotypes. Differences in milk productivity associated with SCD1 gene polymorphism and lipid metabolism indicate that, along with the increase in milk yield, the level of lipase, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood serum of cows increases. To animals of this type belongs to the group with the genotype SCD1CC. Their average daily milk yield was 33,9 kg versus 30,3 kg (10,6%; p˂0,001) in cows with the TC genotype and 31,4 kg (7,4%) in cows with the TT genotype. The content of the mass fraction of protein also significantly prevails in cows of the same genotype with a difference compared with individuals with the TC genotype - 0,13% (p˂0,001), and with TT - 0,08% (p˂0,05). Evaluation of milk fat showed that individuals with the TT genotype are characterized by a high content of mass fraction of fat in milk and low biochemical indicators of lipid metabolism. It is noted that the level of lactose and pH in the milk of experimental cows are inversely related to the components of lipid metabolism in serum. The highest levels of lactose and pH were found in the milk of cows with the SCD1TT genotype.


gene, polymorphism, SCD1, cholesterol, triglyceride, lipase, fat, protein, lactose, cattle.