UDC 619: 616.98: 579.873.21T
DOI: 10.26155/vet.zoo.bio.202003002


M.O. Baratov
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Deputy. Director for Research, Caspian Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Institute - a branch of the Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan,
P. S. Huseynova
Junior Researcher, Caspian Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Institute - a branch of the Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan


None of the proposed methods for diagnosing tuberculosis is perfect, including laboratory ones. Analysis of literature data showed inconsistency of information on the effectiveness of the applied immunological reactions. The evidence of the need to study the role of serological reactions is determined by the ambiguity of the existing polar, fragmented, scientific data on practical significance and the presence of numerous recommendations prescribing the use of CSC results in the selection of animals for slaughter among those who respond to tuberculin. The specificity of complement binding reactions was assessed by examining samples of 1231 animals (cows, heifers) in tuberculosis-poor households. When determining the sensitivity of CSCs in naturally infected animals, the dependence of antibody synthesis on the sensitization of the body to tuberculin was not revealed. Antibodies were not detected in 68,75% of the animals responding to tuberculin. A direct relationship between the positive indications of serological and pathological methods in experimentally infected animals and the absence of such in naturally sick people was revealed. Significant diagnostic significance of CSC with CTA in healthy animals was shown in comparison with CSC with phenolic antigen (CSC with CTA - 3,7%, phenolic antigen - 1,3%). It was not possible to detect a noticeable difference in the sensitivity of CSCs in animals that react and do not respond to tuberculin in dysfunctional farms. The data obtained reveal the peculiarities of the ratio of seroallergic reactions in the diagnosis of tuberculosis and expand the selection of significant options for the establishment of the disease. It is shown that CSC can be used as an indicator of reliability in determining the specificity of tuberculin reactions in animals isolated from the herd due to illness.


complement fixation reaction, serological reactions, tuberculosis, reacting, complement binding, sensitivity, serum.